Hi everyone,
It’s a pleasure to write my first post for Ellesmere Muscat. We have just completed week 5 and what a whirlwind it has been from New Staff Orientation, Returning Staff Orientation, Curriculum Alignment, Workshops for Parents and of course, the newest initiative for the school, Thursday afternoon collaborative planning sessions. These sessions are invaluable for staff and in turn your children, our students. We know that when teachers have the chance to work together, have time to learn, plan and prepare, our students have better opportunities for learning in class time. I wanted to share with you some of the things we have done during this time.
Vertical and Horizontal alignment of all curriculum areas to ensure a clearly articulated learning journey for students and a clear progression to follow for teachers.
Concept-Based Inquiry Maths workshops for Elementary school.
Managing Assessments: Formative and Summative for Secondary school.
Collaborative grade level planning opportunities for the following week.
Here you will find a range of photos of these events, including the parent workshops.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.